Tuesday, 25 August 2015

DIY lace-up back pants

The inspiration for these little darlings came from the Bella Señora Lace up pants by Kitten D'Amour as seen here: 

Needless to say they are stunning and add a little oomph to what would otherwise be plain work pants.

However, as with many others fond of sewing, I looked at the picture and the $159.00 price tag and thought to myself "I could make that!" So I set about giving it a go. 

I purchased a pair of $20 cotton twill pull-on pants from K-Mart as well as some large eyelets from Spotlight. I opted to use red ribbon instead of black (mostly because my Spotlight store was sold out of black ribbon in the width I needed! But I like the contrast of black and red so it worked out! 

After much deliberation I decided instead of using the cut out effect as in the inspiration picture I could not cut out any of the leg and opt for a high contrast effect with the red on black. I wanted a mid calf lace up look so I marked 20cm from the rear hem along the back seam of the pants. I then unpicked both back seams to this point. I marked 2 cm out each side of the seam. Then along this line every 4 cm for where I would insert the eyelets. 

I then proceeded to insert the eyelets, sewed the back seam up again and threaded through my red ribbon.

And just like that I have some slammin' new duds! 

Style Notes:

Alannah Hill - My French Lover Lace Top - AUD $199.00

Thanks for reading!

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